Work with Ananta

Ananta Kranti's life and work is dedicated to the Awakening of Human Consciousness and the following are the terms and conditions for all Ananta Kranti Living Awake Community Membership


Welcome to the Living Awake Membership! We're thrilled to have you as a part of our community. Please take a moment to review the following terms and conditions of membership:


1. Membership Payment Options: Your Living Awake Membership offers flexibility in payment options. You can choose to pay either on a monthly basis or annually.

  • Monthly Subscription: Your membership fee will be automatically billed to your credit card or Visa debit card each month.

  • Annual Subscription: Alternatively, you have the option to join annually. In this case, your membership fee will be charged in a lump sum once a year.

2. Membership Cancellation: You have the freedom to cancel your membership at any time. If you decide to cancel and later wish to re-subscribe, please note that you will be subject to the membership rate in effect at the time of your new subscription. 

If you would like to do this, head to which is Ananta's main website, make sure you are logged in, click the avatar, then click settings - billing and you can cancel your membership from there.

3. Code of Conduct: Living Awake is a community for mature individuals who value respect, honor, and support for each member's unique journey and Ananta's divine guidance. Our Admin Team reserves the right to cancel a member's membership, with written notice, if the member demonstrates a lack of maturity or respect towards another member or Ananta. In such cases, no refunds will be issued for the remaining membership period.

4. Acceptance of Terms: By joining Living Awake Membership, you affirm that you have read and agreed to our event and other Terms and Conditions.

5. Language of Communication: All website content and member communications will be provided exclusively in English.

6. Technical Recommendations: To ensure the best online experience for everyone and high-quality recordings, we kindly request that you use a headset or earbuds with a built-in microphone during 'open mic' sessions with Ananta. Additionally, please ensure that all potential distractions, such as cell phones, telephones, email, TV, and other devices, are turned off during online events to maintain a focused and undisturbed energy field within the group.

7. Membership Details: For a comprehensive overview of what is included in your Membership, please refer to the Living Awake Membership Details provided above.

8. Event Timing Variability: Please note that the timing of Satsang sessions may vary depending on Ananta's travel and other circumstances at the time. We understand that this may not always align with everyone's schedule.

9. Recording and Accessibility: Online meetings with Ananta will be recorded in video format, and the six most recent Satsangs will be accessible to members for streaming within the private members' group. Associated audio files will also be available for download.

10. Technical Issues: While we strive to provide a seamless online experience, unforeseen technical issues related to the Internet, video conferencing programs, website platforms, forum programs, etc., may occur. These are beyond our control. In the event of any such issues, we will collectively apply Ananta's philosophy: "HAHAHA!" until the problem is resolved. 🙂

11. Changes to Membership Program: We reserve the right to make changes to the terms, benefits, programs, and payment methods/currencies associated with this membership program at any time.

Thank you for being a part of the Living Awake community. We look forward to your journey with us! Please reach out to our Admin Team if you have any questions or concerns.