Ananta Kranti presents
Living Awake
A Powerful Private Community for deeply sincere Beings dedicated to Awakening to and Living from Depths of Who We Really Are.
Meeting Every Two Weeks on Zoom in an Intimate group.
''Your Presence, your Being is the greatest gift you have, you don’t need to try to be ‘somebody’. Your Being is enough.''
A special invitation to those looking for profound inner transformation.
Dear friend,
If you have arrived here... there is no mistake... no matter what may unfold!
The way that I’m sharing, the way that I’m inviting, is first to start with this question: "Who am I?" Because when you get that clear, when you really have that clear, everything else falls into its place!
I invite you to join with us in this truly life changing intimate online community of Awakening Beings who are dedicated to living from the Highest Truth.Once your commitment to Living Awake in this life journey is clear, then everything that arises serves that purpose.
This group is a space in which Lovers of Truth meet in this Awakeness and find a safe space to open up any and every topic or area of life they may be moving through, or else simply Be in the space of meeting in Truth in deep Presence.
Over the years Beings have come and gone, many have been coaches, therapists, up and coming facilitators who have gained great clarity from being part of this powerful field in which Ananta transmits a depth that can only come through the living of this message.
Ananta brings a powerful and unique transmission that embodies a depth that can only come by Living Awake through many years of every kind of human and spiritual experience.
She embodies a level of integration that includes the challenges that life can present on the Human emotional/physical/
psychological levels. As a group our energy is an incredibly powerful field, which transmits through all of humanity.
Ananta Kranti's life and work is dedicated to the Awakening of Human Consciousness.We are a powerful small community of like-minded Beings who have realised that we are here on this planet at this time for nothing less than profound transformation.
Living according to the mainstream norms is out of the question and we are finding our way to walk a unique life with meaning that is congruent to our own heart's knowing, in this we are united just as we are at the deepest level.
Joining us means that you are dedicated to your own Self Realization and growth and find resonance and support through Meeting in Truth with Ananta as a guide and fellow traveler who recognises and transmits the direct experience of our Divine Nature while staying rooted and grounded in our Human reality.
All those Awake to who they Are having the eyes truly open or perhaps still searching with a deeply heartfelt calling for living in alignment with the Highest Truth, are most welcome to dive right in, no matter what level you think you are at... come and journey along together as One.
Much love,
Ananta and Team.
''To see the possibility of life outside of this pain is nothing short of a miracle. Thank you for your work. If anyone is stuck in negative patterns or trauma responses I highly recommend working with this woman. Such a gift.''
Who is the Living Awake Community for?
This program is intended for:
It's for you if you are ready to be a Lover of Truth more than getting what you 'want'!
You, if you would like to be part of a small dedicated group of Beings, committed to their own growth no matter what appears to play on the surface.
You value meeting others in the deepest way, and support each other in ego relaxation.
Those who are ready to make significant changes in their lives and way of being.
Those who are ready to expand and Open into unknown realms.
Those who are ready to deepen and Live true to the Truth in every way inclusive of daily life.
Those who realise that true Freedom requires the courage to stand true to what is true.
Those who are dedicated to face all of life with radical self honesty.
You if you are ready to radically reshape yourself to live in a whole new way of Being
Being in the presence of a seemingly quite ordinary human being, and at the same time a true spiritual giant of unspeakable energy like Ananta Kranti feels like the greatest blessing I have received in this life.
A true meeting with her is the crown of my life so far…."
Forever grateful ❤🙏❤ ~ Sergio, Croatia
Your Mentor

Ananta Kranti
Ananta has dedicated her life to deepening her illumination and transmitting it to thousands of students and seekers in the form of personalized “pointing out” instructions that directly reveal the nature of the mind, its illusions, karmic entanglements and the path to ultimate freedom. She works in an integrative way with all levels, including unmet trauma that may be held in bodymind memory, and reveals practical ways to overcome, transform and live Awake into daily life.
"No matter what anybody deals with in daily life, Ananta has the gift to find a quick doorway to connect with the innermost of everybody. She guides people skillfully into truth - with so much humor, love and wisdom! Every journey with Ananta is new, fresh and deep, highlights other forgotten corners in myself. Can highly recommend Ananta! " Barbara, Switzerland
Here's what you will receive as a Living Awake Member:

1) Every 2 weeks a LIVE 2 hour Teaching
& Satsang Sessions
Every 2 weeks (usually on Sunday afternoons UK time) you will meet with Ananta live on zoom for a deep dive into the depths of Being. From here you will have a profound opportunity to explore any areas of your life and internal experience that may be in the way of you living from the peace and joy of your true self.
In joining this intimate group you are entering into a truly powerful energy field of transformation and awakening, and you will have the opportunity to get to know Ananta intimately with plenty of opportunities for personal interaction and guidance.
You can interact face-to-face with Ananta and ask questions, explore through Self inquiry, or share your realizations. Every member is given the opportunity to 'sit' with Ananta, with priority given to new members. If you are unable to attend an event, you will be able to download the audio and view the video.

2) Powerful Pair Work exercises.
Each month from a place of deep presence Ananta beautifully designs powerful pair work activities to help you in your journey of awakening, integration and embodiment.
As the saying goes 'When Two or more gather in my name, there I am'.
Each month you will be paired up with another member of the sangha where you will have the opportunity to go through these powerful enquiries together!
This is a truly potent way to accelerate your awakening journey!

3) Living Awake Private Online community.
You will have access to a truly supportive heart-full online community of committed Beings, all walking in the same direction of Living Awake in every area of Life.
This is a wonderful opportunity to share your journey with other members of the community, as well as ask questions and interact with Ananta and the Sangha.

4) A special 'Body/Mind Support' section with helpful files, links and information to help support the body/mind.
As you may know Ananta doesn't teach in a way that denies or ignores the importance of tending to and caring for the Body and Mind.
In this fully integrative approach to awakening, it is incredibly supportive to learn tools and have a strong understanding of what it takes to truly support the body mind in Being as healthy and well functioning as possible.
As a Living Awake Member you will have access to some of the highest possible knowledge in the realms of bodywork, diet for higher consciousness, nervous system support, holistic healing and much more!
It is much easier to truly Live Awake when the body mind is brought into its full vitality and health!
Plus sign up for the whole year in advance and you'll receive one of Ananta's powerful online courses:
An 8-week online course for Lovers of Truth to journey deeply into what it means to live the deepest intimacy with all that is.
As a very special bonus, you will receive the self-study version of Realising The Love Affair with Life, a popular course with Ananta.
This is a deeply rich journey of Self discovery to reveal and confirm what is already inherently yours at the core of Who you really Are.
You will receive all 8 powerful modules to watch and listen to on your own time.
Undoing Dysfunction ~ Living from the Illumination of your True Self
A 3-month intensive program of transformation and awakening for courageous Beings who are ready to face everything that is standing in the way of them stepping into and living life from True Freedom!

What makes working with Ananta different:
Ananta seamlessly blends the masculine approach of Self Realisation with the Feminine approach of Human Integration.
There are many teachers out there who are beautifully pointing to and guiding people into the recognition of their True Nature of Awareness, and although this is the foundation of what takes place in meeting with Ananta, her teachings go SO much deeper.
In her own journey through extreme life challenge, she has become a true Master of what it means to walk Awake in this world with all the challenges and trails that we naturally face as Human Beings.
Recognising who you are Beyond the Body and Mind is essential, however it is just the beginning.
The Living Awake Membership includes every area of human life as a potential avenue for expansion and inner evolution, and in joining Ananta in this way you are committing yourself to a journey of profound inner transformation, everything is welcome here.
Held in a space of Unconditional Love, Your whole world will be brought into the Light of Consciousness and if you truly commit to this path, you WILL enter into a complete transformation of your self from the Inside Out.
A Supportive Heart-Full Online Community for Those Looking to Live A Life of True Freedom!
As a member, you will receive…
1) Meetings in Truth/Satsangs with deep exploration with Ananta every 2 weeks.
2) Powerful 'Pair Work' Sessions between members (with Guidance from Ananta)
3) Occasional Heart Sharing meetings in Deep Presence between participants.
4) A Private Member Portal
5) Support from Ananta in the online platform
6) A Body/Mind Support Forum.
7) Deep discounts on online events.
''Ananta Guided Me to Freedom!''
"I first saw Ananta on YouTube and instantly knew from the depths of my Being that she was the 'One' that would guide me to Freedom... and she DID! I am eternally grateful to Ananta and cannot recommend her or her online events highly enough! I have never met Ananta in person, only in private sessions (they are amazing!!) and in meetings online -- her transmission is powerful and palpable! You will not be disappointed for she has a truly unique and amazing ability to help you no matter where you are in your journey. I have been in literally hundreds of meetings with her and found no question or situation that is beyond her capability to help. And if you can, give yourself the gift of a private session, she just might blow your mind! And if you read this Ananta... thank you from the very depths of my Being Beloved for all you have done for this one! No words can properly express my Love and Gratitude. '' - Jo-Ann, Canada.
Where would you like to be in a year's time?
Are you ready to really, fully and wholeheartedly commit to your own liberation? What else could this life be for?
If you're ready to make this commitment, sign up for the whole year by following the link below.
Join us today! Click the button above to be taken to a secure checkout page.
Join by the month
Sign up now!
"Getting involved with Ananta online has helped me to bring to light the deeply hidden obstacles of an early trauma from the depths of the unconscious. The personal meetings with Ananta are in-depth experiences in self-exploration. Ananta is a competent, experienced, spiritual “guide” with a clear view and a big heart to which nothing is alien." ~ Karen, USA
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